Sometimes it so happens that New Year’s resolutions are left unrealized or moved to the next year. On the other hand, it is with a satisfaction that we recall all of those that we managed to execute, even if we had to apply many corrections along the way.
For many sectors the beginning of the year means a slowdown in sales, the time for yearly reports and the drafting of new development plans. In logistics, we analyze the costs, negotiate new contracts with shipping services suppliers as well as prepare for the new season and new challenges. Keeping in mind all the difficulties experienced in the past, we seek new solutions. We also wonder whether it is worth to make any changes…?
Adam Skrzypczak – Manager of a Warehouse Complex in Hochland Poland shares his experience with implemented changes regarding logistical supply chain improvements in the past year.

What improvements were you looking for when you decided to implement the system by Logintegra?
“A modern warehouse should be characteristic for its very good work organization. Our idea for such a warehouse has become a system enabling us to plan the work time in almost 100%, optimize the capitalization of our employee’s potential as well as to provide a widely understood security. The change in the process of delivery and shipment servicing has enabled the implementation of systematics and distribute the warehouse workload accordingly to its capacity.
What is the best time to commence the implementation?
There is only one correct answer to this question – the faster, the better. In truth, companies with a high dynamic never have a good time for the implementation. There is always something in the works, there is always something more important and usually there is neither spare time nor space. Drawing on my personal implementation experience, I can advise all interested parties a phased implementation, which is less painful in context of the change management, and relying on the full professionalism of Logintegra employees. It is wise to benefit from their knowledge and experience from previous implementations.
How much time should be allocated to the implementation of the system’s basic functionalities?
The beginning is always hard due to many reasons. I think that much depends on the specifics and the expectations of a company that decided on the implementation. Nevertheless, I would advise drafting a schedule for a quarter of a year. Such an amount of time will allow rationally distributing the workload necessary for the implementation and maintaining a buffer for the reaction to all aspects that we could not foresee in the beginning. For us, the time for implementation is over, now starts the development phase. The notification system is full of possibilities that we intend to make us of in a further optimization of the delivery and shipment processes.
What benefits can you name after using the system that have helped during a period of an increased amount of deliveries and shipments?
Truthfully, since the implementation we are no longer concerned with peak periods. Situations where we experience a higher degree of business activity, which necessitates the engagement of increased resources, do occur, however, the notification system allows us to appropriately prepare and avoid a surprise resulting in a queue of transports in front of warehouses. The implementation of the system has caused many positive changes that will only continue to pay off.
If you are looking for improvements in regard to delivery and shipping processing, transport management or an improved communication with contractors, then perhaps it is a good idea to benefit from the experience of Hochland and plan the implementation of the SCM system (Logistics Platform), YMS system (Time Slots) or the TMS system (Transportation system) when entering a new year?

We help in finding out the answer to that question during free consultations – do not hesitate to get in touch.
We wish you prosperity and successful realization of New Year’s resolutions!